How Far is it from Fredericksburg to Reston, VA?

Are you planning a road trip from Fredericksburg, VA to Reston, VA? If so, you may be wondering how far it is between the two cities. The total driving distance between Fredericksburg and Reston is 62 miles or 100 kilometers. To get an idea of the fuel cost for your journey, a car with an MPG of 25 will need 2.27 gallons of gas. If you're looking for a halfway point between the two cities, Dale City, Virginia is located 30 miles from Reston and 28 miles from Fredericksburg.

The exact coordinates of the midpoint are 38º 38' 2.67 N, 77º 17' 25.7604 W.Whether you're planning a road trip or just curious about the distance between Fredericksburg and Reston, VA, this article has all the information you need. Keep reading to learn more about the distance between these two cities and how to calculate the cost of your journey.

Jeri Saulters
Jeri Saulters

Certified tv ninja. Total zombieaholic. Incurable food junkie. Freelance beer buff. Subtly charming web evangelist.