What is the Median Age of Residents in Reston, VA?

Reston, Virginia is a census-designated place located in Fairfax County and is one of the major cities in the Washington metropolitan area. According to the census, the population of Reston is 63,226 people. The average age of Reston residents is 39.6 years old. If you have visited Reston, Virginia and have taken photos, you can share them with the world! You can submit your own images of this place and show them to the world.

Additionally, you can add new data and correct factual errors about Reston, Virginia. Reston is a great place to live and work. It has a vibrant culture and plenty of activities for people of all ages. The median age of residents in Reston is 39.6 years old, which is slightly higher than the national median age of 38.7 years old.

This means that the majority of people living in Reston are between the ages of 25 and 54.The median age of residents in Reston is slightly higher than the median age of residents in Fairfax County, which is 37.7 years old. This could be due to the fact that Reston has a higher cost of living than other parts of Fairfax County. Additionally, Reston has a higher percentage of college-educated residents than other parts of Fairfax County.Reston is a great place to live for people of all ages. Whether you are looking for a place to raise a family or just want to be close to the city, Reston has something for everyone.

With its vibrant culture and plenty of activities, it's no wonder why so many people choose to call Reston home.

Jeri Saulters
Jeri Saulters

Certified tv ninja. Total zombieaholic. Incurable food junkie. Freelance beer buff. Subtly charming web evangelist.