How Far is it from Norfolk to Reston, VA?

Are you planning a trip from Norfolk to Reston, VA? If so, you may be wondering how far it is and how long it will take to get there. The answer depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you're driving, the distance between Norfolk and Reston is 203 miles and it will take approximately 3 hours and 31 minutes. The shortest route between the two cities is 157.5 miles (253.47 km).The exact coordinates of the midpoint between Norfolk and Reston are 37.640175 and -77,399239, or 37º 38' 24.63 N, 77º 23' 57.604 W.

The closest city to the midpoint is Mechanicsville, Virginia, located 107 miles from Reston and 90 miles from Norfolk.If you're driving a car with an MPG fuel efficiency, you'll need 7.91 gallons of gas to cover the route between Reston and Norfolk. The midpoint is 98.45 miles from both cities and it would take approximately 1 hour and 38 minutes to reach the midpoint from either location.No matter what mode of transportation you choose, you can easily calculate the distance between Norfolk and Reston using an online map tool or GPS device.

Jeri Saulters
Jeri Saulters

Certified tv ninja. Total zombieaholic. Incurable food junkie. Freelance beer buff. Subtly charming web evangelist.